About the course

Management skills are required for all nursing staffs irrespective of discipline, role, function or seniority. Managerial skills are required to maintain the standard of care and ethical behaviour in providing services to clients. A nursing leader may not be a good manager. But, a Nurse Manager has to be a good leader. Nurse Managers should provide leadership and ensure the unit or department runs smoothly.

The Nurse managerial role includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and controlling to accomplish work expectations. Updated clinical skills and knowledge are also important for a Nurse Manager for efficient execution of policy and procedures.

This course aims to enable nurses to gain and improve the skills required to adopt and function efficiently in a managerial role.

Learning Outcomes

  • Do planning as the fundamental function of management.
  • Use appropriate time management techniques.
  • Discuss work expectations while conducting the meeting appropriately.
  • Evaluate performance and provide constructive feedback to the team.
  • Build team effectiveness and solve professional risks.
  • Maximise professional competence.
  • CPD Points

    2 Points


    2 Hours (Self-Paced)

    Course curriculum

      1. GNLA_SHO_MSN_18Jul09 - Part 01

      2. GNLA_SHO_MSN_18Jul09 - Part 02

      3. GNLA_SHO_MSN_18Jul09 - Part 03

      1. Work Expectations and Team Effectiveness - Part 01

      2. Teamwork in healthcare - Building Effective Teams

      3. Work Expectations and Team Effectiveness - Part 02

      4. Work Expectations and Team Effectiveness - Part 03

      1. Planning

      1. Managing Time Effectively

      1. Conduct Meetings - Part 01

      2. How to Run A Meeting

      3. Conduct Meetings - Part 02

      1. Manage Professional Competence and Risk - Part 1

      2. Role of Nurse Manager

      3. Manage Professional Competence and Risk - Part 2

      4. Health Care Safety Worker

      5. Manage Professional Competence and Risk - Part 3

    About this course

    • $30.00
    • 30 lessons
    • 0.5 hours of video content