About the course

Every individual requires food substances to supply the components essential to build and repair tissues as they wear out and die, to maintain the body in good working condition and to provide fuel for energy. For good nutrition, a person should consume a well-balanced diet, that is, one that renders an adequate amount of each of the classes of nutrients every day, furnishing at the same time an adequate but not excessive number of calories to meet the energy needs of the body.

This course aims at covering the concept at the intersection of food and health. It also offers a broad education to nurses on how to stay healthy. The course discusses about the principles of nutrition, body mass index, types of nutrition and essentials of human nutrition.

Learning Outcomes

  • Apply principles of nutrition.
  • Recognise factors that affect metabolic requirements.
  • Calculate BMI.
  • Identify adequate diet selection.
  • Identify types of nutrition.
  • Explain essentials of human nutrition.

    CPD Points

    2 Points


    2 Hours (Self-Paced)

  • Course curriculum

      1. Student Handbook - Part 01

      2. Student Handbook - Part 02

      3. Student Handbook - Part 03

      1. Principles Of Nutrition

      1. Types Of Nutrition Part 01

      2. Enteral Feeding System

      3. Types Of Nutrition Part 02

      1. Essential Of Human Nutrition Part 01

      2. Essential Of Human Nutrition Part 02

      3. Food Pyramid, Eating Healthy Lifestyle

      4. Essential Of Human Nutrition Part 03

      5. High Fiber Diet - Video - ABC News

      1. Consuming the daily recommended amounts of dairy products would reduce the prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intakes

      2. Malnutrition in the elderly residing in long-term care facilities: a cross sectional survey using the Mini Nutritional Assessment

      3. Nutritional quality of diet and academic performance in Chilean students

      4. Utilization and preference of nutrition information sources in Australia

      5. Advising patients on nutrition and healthy eating

      1. Test

    About this course

    • $20.00
    • 19 lessons
    • 0.5 hours of video content

    Student Reviews

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    5 star rating

    Review of Nutrition

    Anjusha Thomas

    Very informative!!

    Very informative!!

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